Go Digital with Us
Your Trusted Digital Payment Solution Provider
We are the merchant acquirer company which facilities payments among all the banks, card schemes and as well as e-wallet players in Malaysia.
Why Us?
We put you at the center of everyting we do

All in One
Business App is an Android based unified payment acceptance application. Supported payment method includes most of the card schemes and e-wallets.

Minimum Documents Required
Merchants are required to provide the bare minimum of documents which in itself is quite hassle-free.

Fast Approval
The approval status of Merchants' applications shall be informed at the earliest by 3 working days upon submission of full documentation.

Fast Settlement
The Settlement period is within T+2 business days to your company's bank account.
Adoption of Digital Payment Across All Market Segments

Our Services & Products

Ordering System
This is not just an ordering system but an online store & eCommerce platform for any business model.
You only need to send customers a website link for them to view your menu and place an order without copying paste product pictures to customers every time with ordering system customers can view and place orders anytime, anywhere.

Business App
Business App aggregates a variety of popular cashless payment methods in the market including card schemes and e-Wallets.
Supported Cards – Visa, MasterCard and Union Pay
Supported E-wallets – Gkash eWallet, Boost, Touch n’ Go, Grab Pay, WeChat Pay, Maybank QR, Ali Pay & Razer Pay.


Supported Cards – Visa, MasterCard and Union Pay

Payment Solution for Social Commerce
Whether providing a service to someone across town or selling an item to a customer overseas, with links, you can request payment from anyone, at any time.

Payment links
Merchant is able to create a customized Payment Link via Business App or Merchant Portal for your non-face to face customers, in order to allow them to pay you instantly from a secure payment link webpage.
Create link
Log in to your dashboard and head over to the Links menu. Enter all the payment details including the price and description. A payment link will be generated for you.
Share link
Copy the generated link and send it to your client to request payment. Share it through email, a text message, or through chat on a platform you already use
Get Paid
Your customer follows the link and enters their card details into the payment form to complete the purchase. You’ll be updated on your dashboard once the transaction is complete.